Thursday, 9 April 2015

Press Advertisements

Doesn't it feel great to see your work on the morning newspaper!=? Check out some of our recent press ads bellow!

Spring Summer Sale at Ice Skating Rink

#Travellers Paradise presents to you #Summer2015Travelbonanza!

ABID Interiors 2015 is out in today's T2 Telegraph. ABID has also been featured in #CalcuttaTimes, #EiSamay, #Sanmarg, #Vishwamitra, #Prabhatkhabar, #AajKal, #JanpathSaamachar.

That smile on our client's face is our biggest achievement!

Our client's smile is our achievement!

This year's Holi Campaign for "Ganesh - Sharbat ka Shahenshah"..We pushed our selves to the limit and the results were excellent! Thank you Ganesh!

Pearl Enterprise is proud to present it's Book Cover Design.