I have interned at Pearl Enterprises for a month as a part of he creative team. I must say, it was a lifetime experience. It gave me the opportunity to pursue my passion. I worked on Photoshop for some of the company’s clients which got posted on their social networking sites. I was entrusted with a big responsibility which only motivated me to do better. This attitude helped me in getting a deep practical knowledge about Photoshop, and aesthetic sense in designing and lay-outing. The working environment was very friendly. My colleagues were helpful at the same time understanding. They helped me identify my weaknesses and overcome them in such a short span of time. Most importantly my head, Pallavi ma'am was very encouraging and friendly. She always appreciated my work even if it wasn't perfect and pointed out the mistakes only to bring out the best in me. I can confidently and very proudly say that she succeeded in doing that. I was never restricted or stopped for implementing any of my ideas in my work. I had every freedom of using my creativity to the best of my abilities. Altogether it was a very joyous and memorable experience and it was a pleasure working with such a great group of people.
- Anjana Chakravorty
A mascot is someone who brings luck to the team. Thus, the creation of the mascot for a well-known dining brand like kaidi kitchen required great detailing and brain-storming. It underwent a series of transformations and changes until the final mascot, named "Crime Master Gogo" was created.
Sample 1 |
The first sample of the mascot shows an angry "kaidi" trying to break out of the jail. This look was used to capture the essence of the jail-themed restaurant. The background was finalized, but not the expression of the prisoner as is not very embracing in the context of the restaurant. Hence, the next step was to experiment with the appearance of the mascot.
Sample 2 |
The next sample of the mascot was an attempt to create a mixture of comic and serious expressions, keeping in mind the purpose of the venture is to serve food. In a country like ours, its always done with a lot of love and laughter. At the same time, we were also well aware about the fact that our target audience is very diverse, ranging from kids and teenagers to young adults and aged people. Our next attempt was to enhance the friendly and welcoming nature of the mascot, to make it a hit among families and friends, especially the children.
Sample 4 |
On either side the looks that we tried - one without a moustache & one with a thin moustache, both added a tinge of cuteness and innocence.
However the round faced showed a confused look which did not match with the personality of the mascot we had thought of. Thus, assessing all the various expressions, looks & personality we finally zeroed down to the final look of our 'crime master Gogo'.
Crime Master Gogo |
Our final mascot has a pleasant smile on his face with a mustache exactly like that of the original crime master gogo and rolling eyes give him the pleasing and cute look that we had imagined.
Crime Master Gogo is a name inspired by Shakti Kapoor's very popular role from the movie Andaz Apna Apna which has been an all time favourite for most of us. The dialogues of the mascot is in the same tone as that of the original Crime Master so that our audience can relate to those of the movie and have a hearty laugh, reminiscing old times over delicious food.